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Gaurav Subedi

Software Engineer · Blogger · Creative Thinker


September 4

I have always had a knack for breaking stuff (and, of course, trying to rebuild) since my childhood. It was mostly radios and toys back then, but now it's PCs and software. The more I try to break stuff apart and try to rebuild, the more I learn how the stuff works, and this has gotten me far in my career.

I got into software development and programming ever since my first love for QBASIC. Commanding a PC to print some words on the screen by typing something on the keyboard was like mysterious magic to me. I felt pulled into this mystery like a black hole, and the more I tried to decipher it, the more I felt hollow. This unquenchable thirst in the pursuit of the holy grail of programming got me learning the tools of the trade that make software an art.

As Alan Watts once said, “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” I have joined the dance with ones and zeros, bits and bytes, in the carnival of software development.

© Gaurav Subedi, 2024.