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Gaurav Subedi

Software Engineer · Blogger · Creative Thinker


September 4


Curiosity is my nature as a human being. I find joy in diving deep into the realms of the unknown, no matter how obscure or esoteric they may be. I always seek new perspectives and solutions to the challenges that intrigue me. The following examples are the proof of my creative spirit.

An Efficient Automatic Digital Image Colorization Method Using Convolutional Neural Network

Won the best paper award at KEC Conference 2019.

This research paper explores on the colorization of monochrome images using digital methods; and implements a novel technique to do so. The proposed technique uses CNN and the output color value is approximated from the probability distribution layer using annealed-mean.

A Secure and Effective Pattern-Based Steganographic Method in Coloured JPEG Images

Won the best paper award at KEC Conference 2018.

The paper proposes a unique pattern based steganographic technique in the frequency domain of the image. The image is converted into frequency domain, the secret data is stored in AES encrypted and stored in the LSB of the frequency domain block.

© Gaurav Subedi, 2024.